Use transit in jagannatha hora software
Use transit in jagannatha hora software

  • Vimsottari dasa upto pratyantardasas (antaras).
  • Ashtakavarga and sodhya pindas of ALL the divisional charts.
  • Arudha padas of all the houses in ALL the twenty divisional charts.
  • Option to define whether Gulika, Mandi and other upagrahas like Kaala rise at the beginning or middle or end of respective portions.
  • Two options for Vyatipata calculation (Vyatipata = 360 deg - Dhuma & Vyatipata = Dhuma + 53 deg 20 min).
  • The positions of nine planets, lagna, 6 special lagnas (ghati lagna, hora lagna, bhava lagna & vighati lagna, varnada lagna and Sree lagna) and 11 upagrahas/sub-planets (Dhuma, Vyatipata, Parivesha, Indrachapa, Upaketu, Kaala, Mrityu, Artha Prahara, Yama Ghantaka, Mandi & Gulika) - all these in ALL the twenty divisional charts.
  • 12 divisional charts (16 charts + D-5, D-6, D-8 & D-11), option for using 3 kinds of hora charts - (a) Cancer-Leo hora chart, (b) parivritti dwaya (bicyclical) hora chart of Vriddha Karikas (it is used for family affairs and health) and (c) Jagannatha Hora chart.
  • Use transit in jagannatha hora software windows#

    Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP computers.Ībout 5 MB of disk space is needed for this program. This program will work on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Purpose: Computations of Vedic astrology (Jyotish). Latest release 6.0 : JAdded annual Tithi Pravesha (lunar return charts), Tithi Ashtottari dasa, Moola dasa and Drigdasa Revamped release 5.0 : ApTotally revamped, better GUI, more accurate and more features Release of version 3.0 : Febru(Ratha Sapthami) Release of version 1.0 : December 23, 1999

    Use transit in jagannatha hora software